Project lead

Erik Stam
Professor of Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Organization
Prof. dr. Erik Stam (main applicant; UU, project director, co-lead WP2, WP4, WP5) is full professor and a world-leading scholar on entrepreneurial ecosystems and economic development. He is an engaged scholar with active involvement in the science and practice of entrepreneurship-led development. He has (helped) set up and led many projects, organisations and programmes at the interface of science and (policy and entrepreneurial) practice. Examples are his involvement in innovation policy at the Scientific Council of Government Policy (WRR), OECD, European Commission, and the Ministries of Economic Affairs in the Netherlands and abroad, but also his frequent involvement in regional development policy with Dutch RDAs, economic boards, and municipalities.
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Science lead

Frank van Rijnsoever
Associate professor innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability
Dr. Frank van Rijnsoever (co-applicant; UU, science lead, co-lead WP2, WP1, WP3, WP5) is associate professor at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, who specializes in innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability. He is an authority on entrepreneurial ecosystems and sustainable entrepreneurship. In his work, he links theories from entrepreneurship to socio-technical transitions and applies the resulting insights to the topics of clean energy and the food transition. He regularly applies topic models to understand EEs and SE. His work was funded by NWO (Veni, MVI), and the EU-Climate KIC program. In addition, he worked as senior researcher at the Rathenau Instituut. This enables him to bring scientific insights into the societal debate.
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Learning community lead

Christine De Lille
Professor of Innovation Networks
Prof. dr. ir. Christine De Lille (co-applicant, HH, lead WP5) is Professor of Innovation Networks at De Haagse Hogeschool, Professor of Design at Northumbria University and Assistant Professor at Delft University of Technology. She has extensive experience in systemic design, building and scaling ecosystems and co-design. She has worked with multiple industries in the past such as the manufacturing industry (SMITZH), textile (CRISP), aviation (with KLM, Schiphol in a Horizon 2020 project) and retail industry (Future Proof Retail). She is currently co-applicant of the SPRONG Systemic co-design, core member of Network of Applied Design Research, Board member of Fundamentals Academy and a former board member of Design Management Network.
Policy lead

Jasper Deuten
Coordinator knowledge ecosystems
Dr. ir. Jasper Deuten (co-applicant, Rathenau Instituut, lead WP3, WP5) is theme coordinator of knowledge ecosystems at the Rathenau Instituut. Jasper focuses on public policies for, and the governance of, research and innovation. A main research question is how science and innovation ecosystems can be better mobilised to meet societal challenges. In recent projects, he studied the design of challenge-driven and mission-oriented innovation policies and programmes. Before he joined the Rathenau Instituut he worked as a consultant for Technopolis, an international consultancy in the field of research and innovation policy. He is experienced at working for, and with, policymakers and other professionals in the field of research and innovation.
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Impact lead

Research Team

Fabia Beckers
PhD student
Fabia a PhD student at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development at Utrecht University, where she studies the effects of entrepreneurial ecosystems properties on sustainable entrepreneurship in Europe through a quantitative lens. Furthermore, herresearch position is part of the ESMEE project. This project aims to improve regional ecosystems for sustainable entrepreneurship by using a data-driven dialogue between the scientific community, the Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) and other stakeholders.
Her current focus is on using open data and natural language processing techniques to identify the sustainable startups in Europe and to measure their economic - and climate performance over time. Furthermore, she studies how different financial support network configurations affect the success of startups across different emerging sectors. Read more
Her current focus is on using open data and natural language processing techniques to identify the sustainable startups in Europe and to measure their economic - and climate performance over time. Furthermore, she studies how different financial support network configurations affect the success of startups across different emerging sectors. Read more